Web Design Practice Set 9

1. "w3-border" is one of the class used for w3.css tables which defines:

2. w3.css is a standard css that has:

3. ctrl + shift + f is the shortcut key for _______________ in sublime text editor.

4. W3.CSS is a modern, responsive, mobile first CSS framework.

5. Which of the following is not a mode for viewing menus, panels, and tools in Photoshop?

6. If john wanted to see a list of the changes he made in the image, where would he look?

7. Which of the following defines 1% of viewport height?

8. API is?

9. Which of the following classes used to display an extra large list?

10. The Layers panel includes the following different kinds of layers except _____.

11. _____________ Can not use to style border in w3.css:

12. Syntax to add containers in w3.css:

13. A dashed line that surrounds an area is called a(n) ____.

14. What determines the percentage of transparency in a layer?

15. How to add w3.css framework in your web page:

16. W3.CSS developed by

17. "w3-border-0" is a border property for w3.css, which of the following is true?

18. The w3-col class defines one column in a ___ column responsive grid.

19. W3.CSS is paid to use. No license is necessary.

20. The ________ classes set the background color for any HTML element: