1. Behavior that we repeat regularly and automatically.

A) Habit

B) Behaviour

C) Heredity

D) Non of the above

Correct Answer: Habit

Explanation : Behavior that we repeat regularly and automatically is called Habit.

2. The power within ourselves that inspires us to do something.

A) Psychological awareness

B) Self-awareness

C) Emotional self-awareness

D) Self-motivation

Correct Answer: Self-motivation

3. Positive people usually have low self-confidence.

A) True

B) False

Correct Answer: False

Explanation : Positive people usually have low self-confidence.- True

4. According to Dacis, personality is a psychic phenomenon Which is :

A) Organic

B) Social

C) A mask

D) Combination of organic and social

Correct Answer: Combination of organic and social

5. Personality is derived from Latin word - "persona", meaning:

A) Mask

B) Mark

C) Mesk

D) Maek

Correct Answer: Mask