1. IOT also has some disadvantages like privacy of data, security of object, complexity of implementation

A) True

B) False

Correct Answer: True

Explanation : IOT also has some disadvantages like privacy of data, security of object, complexity of implementation-True

2. The ............ hack, is one of the most famous IoT security attacks?

A) Mirai botnet

B) Cipher

C) Stuxnet

D) None of the above

Correct Answer: Mirai botnet

Explanation : The Mirai botnet hack is one of the most famous IoT security attacks.

3. Common words and passwords that can be easily guessed such as "password" or "123456789" should be avoided.

A) True

B) False

Correct Answer: True

Explanation : Common words and passwords that can be easily guessed such as "password" or "123456789" should be avoided.- True

4. Botnets are often used to attack.

A) DoS


C) Brute force

D) Passive

Correct Answer: DDoS

Explanation : Botnets are often used for DDoS attacks.

5. All IoT devices must have the same password.

A) True

B) False

Correct Answer: False

Explanation : All IoT devices must have the same password.-False Not all IoT devices should have the same password.-True

6. What are the challenges in IoT?

A) Energy Consumption

B) Security

C) Network Congestion

D) all of the above

Correct Answer: Security

Explanation : IOT Has Security Challenges.