1. What is ChatGPT?

A) Virus

B) Input Device

C) Computer Program

D) None

Correct Answer: Computer Program

Explanation: ChatGPT is a Computer Program based on Artificial Intelligence(AI).


2. ChatGPT Initialy Released in year

A) 2010

B) 2014

C) 2022

D) 2023

Correct Answer: C) 2022

Explanation: ChatGPT Initially Released in November 30, 2022.


3. ChatGPT Was Developed By

A) Microsoft

B) Apple

C) OpenAI

D) All of the Above

Correct Answer: C) OpenAI

Explanation: ChatGPT Was Developed By OpenAI.


4. State True or False. ChatGPT is a Freeware Software.

A) True

B) False

Correct Answer: False

Explanation: ChatGPT is a Proprietary Software.


5. The Official Website for ChatGPT is

A) www.openai.com

B) www.google.com

C) www.chatgpt.com

D) None of the Above

Correct Answer: A) www.openai.com


6. ChatGPT Model is trained using





Correct Answer: C) RLHF

Explanation: ChatGPT Model is trained using Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF).



7) What is/are limitations of ChatGPT.

A) ChatGPT is sensitive to tweaks to the input phrasing or attempting the same prompt multiple times.
B) ChatGPT sometimes writes plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers.
C) Both A and B are True
D) None of the Above

Correct Answer: (C) Both A and B are True