A Level Syllabus Full Stack Web Development Using MVC Framework
November 02, 2022 by Primegyan 1.27k
NIELIT A Level Syllabus 2023: NIELIT has released the new exam pattern and syllabus for NIELIT A Level 2023 Examination along with official notification of the NIELIT A Level 2023 exam. Candidates who are planning to prepare for the A Level exam have to go through the latest NIELIT A Level R5 syllabus and exam pattern to scale their grade in this exam. A fair knowledge of the NIELIT A Level Syllabus & exam pattern for 2023 Exam is necessary to prepare effectively for this exam. Let’s understand the NIELIT A Level Syllabus 2023 exams based on the latest pattern.
Marks Distribution :
Module Unit | Written Marks (Max.) |
1. MVC Infrastructure Basics, PHP Frameworks & Introduction to CakePHP | 14 |
2. Models | 11 |
3. Controller and Views | 12 |
4. PHP Basics and Conditional Logic | 10 |
5. Functions and Error Handling | 10 |
6. Object Oriented Programming | 13 |
7. MySQL Installation and Basics | 7 |
8. Advance Queries and Data Manipulation using PHP and MySQL |
13 |
9. Creating Dynamic Forms using CakePHP Html Helpers |
10 |
Total | 100 |
Detailed Syllabus : A Level A10.2-R5: Full Stack Web Development using
MVC Framework
(i) MVC Infrastructure Basics. PHP Frameworks & Introduction to CakePHP
Introduction to MVC, What are Model-View-Controller, Why use framework in the project (conventional vs. MVC project), Introduction to PHP Frameworks i.e Zend, CodeIgniter, Laravel. Installation of CakePHP, CakePHP folder structure, File naming conventions, Important config file (core.php, database.php)
(ii) Models
Models: Different models of databases and interaction between databases. Creating up model for a database, Accessing and manipulating table data using find, save, update methods of the model, Deleting Data, User defined functions in model, data validations.
(iii) Controller and Views
Application flow –Creating Controller Function, How Controller interact with model, how controller interact with views. CakePHPhelpers, Most commonly used helpers like Form, HTML, Session, Cookie etc, Create views and custom layouts
(iv) Php Basics and Conditional Logic
PHP introduction, Environment setup in different platforms, concept of Server-side scripting language and client side scripting language, Script syntax, How to declare variable and data types, Constants, Arrays, Strings, Web concepts, Decision making statements, loop types, operators
(v) Functionsand Error handling
What is Functions, Creating PHP functions, PHP functions with parameters, Argument by reference, setting default values for function parameters, dynamic function calls, regular expressions, Date and time functions, Built-in functions, file inclusion, file manipulations
(vi) Object Oriented Programming
What is Object Oriented Concepts, Defining classes, Creating Objects, Member functions, The new keyword and Constructor, Destructor, Access method and properties using $this variable, Inheritance& code reusability, Function overriding, Access Specifies- private, public and protected members, Static properties and method,
Class constants, Polymorphism, Parent:: &self :: keyword, Instance of operator, Abstract method and class, Interface , Final, Exceptional handling.
(vii) MySQL Installation and Basics
Database Introduction, MySQL installation on various platforms, MySQL connection, Database creation, Database Manipulations- Add, Edit, Retrieve and Delete. Table creation and table manipulations- Add Edit, Retrieve and Delete, Like clause, Sorting, Group Functions with having clause
(viii) Advance Queries and Data Manipulation using PHPand MySQL
Joins, Handling NULL Values, Regular Expressions, ALTER Command, Indexes, Temporary Tables, Database Handling Duplicates, SQL Injections. Creating user login form, Registration Form using database, User Authentication, Search, Update, Delete Users and Data. Fetching the data from database
(ix) Creating Dynamic Forms using CakePHP Html Helpers:
Introduction to basic html form, get, post methods, generate form elements like input boxes, dropdowns, radio buttons, and links using CakePHP html helper, Form validation using Model validation definitions, Create, retrieve and delete cookies, Create, retrieve and delete session variables, File handling in CakePHP (create, delete, read files), CakePHP Global variables and their use